On this page you will find a downloadable pdf copy of the MVA 2023 Workshop and Symposium program. This program is not complete and we expect further presentations to be added in the coming days. Once further presentations are accepted, the program will be updated. We thank you for your patience and please contact us if you have any urgent questions.

Copyright issues and uploading your presentation material to MVA2023 website.
To those who present at the 7th Global MVA workshop & symposium (WS&S) 2023 in Kurashiki/Tottori, Japan: Copyright of the presentation material is retained by the author. The author hereby licenses to the MVA (Moon Village Association) the right to post his/her presentation material to the MVA website as part of the record of the 2023 WS&S. If author needs modification and /or elimination of any part of the material from copyright point of view, the author is requested to provide this edited version within 30 days after the meeting. For further publication or other electronic distribution or the presented materials, the MVA will seek from the author further approval agreement. Under the above-mentioned terms and conditions, the MVA requests the author to submit his/her presentation file.