
The outreach activities aim to inform and promote the concept of expanding Humanity’s habitable area from the Earth to the moon in a sustainable fashion. The target of outreach is any member of the general public, including children, their parents, and their grandparents. In order to successfully establish a base for humanity on the moon, many objectives will need to be completed, including the development of agriculture, vehicles, housing, clothing production, and support from a large cross section of humanity from all over the world. Each outreach event will be conducted in Japanese only.


Kurashiki (December 9)

Download the leaflet in PDF

2023-12-09 10:00 to 13:00
Mabi Fureai Center in Kurashiki


Okayama (December 9)


Download the leaflet in PDF

2023-12-09 9:00 to 17:00
Morinomachi grace in Okayama


Tottori (December 10)


Download the leaflet in PDF

2023-12-10 16:30 to 18:30
Restaurant in Sakyu center in Tottori

The private bus from Kurashiki to Tottori is available for those who register for the MVA 2023 Workshop & Symposium. You can see details in the bus information page.