Information concerning recommended hotels is given below for both the Kurashiki and Tottori venues. Feel free to look for other hotels and please book accommodation by yourself. Note that we have provided links to the main websites of the hotels, but many are available on hotel booking websites, such as Using such a site may be easier for non-Japanese speakers, due to being able to book in your own language and avoid the need to contact the hotel by phone. We suggest booking accommodation as soon as possible, because we expect many tourists will also be visiting Kurashiki during the MVA 2023 Symposium and Workshop.


Kurashiki represents a traditional scenic Japanese town and is thus a popular tourist destination. As such, there are many accommodation options, with some being more expensive than others. We have also included a luxurious traditional Japanese style inn (Ryokan) for those who wish to have a more authentic experience. See below for the list of hotels and a map of their locations.



Tottori city is less of a popular tourist destination compared to Kurashiki. Nevertheless, it is famous for its great expanses of sand dunes, which can be found close to the Optional Venue (Arid Land Research Centre).

In case you have issues finding/booking accommodation, we have reserved several rooms in some hotels. If you find yourself in this situation, please access reservation website for help in getting access to these reserved hotel rooms.

Below you will find several recommended hotels that are situated close to Tottori Station.

A map showing the locations of the Optional Venue, Tottori Station and the recommended hotels. Also included is the route by bus to the Optional Venue and the direction of the Tottori Sand Dunes for reference.