The Moon Village Association (MVA), created in 2017 is a non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Vienna, Austria. The goal of the MVA is the creation of an informal global forum for governments, industry, academia and the public interested in the Moon Village vision – a community fostering permanent human expansion to Earth’s Moon. It comprises more than 600 participants in MVA activities and 33 institutional members from more than 60 countries, representing a diverse array of technical, scientific, cultural and interdisciplinary fields. More information regarding the MVA may be found at:

Each year, the Moon Village Association (MVA) organizes a major international event — a workshop and symposium (WS&S) at which global leaders in various fields relevant to humanity’s permanent expansion to Earth’s Moon gather to share progress, new ideas and relevant information. This year, the MVA’s 2023 WS&S will be in Kurashiki and Tottori, Japan during December 7-10, 2023. The Kurashiki Art Museum will act as the Main Venue for the MVA 2023 WS&S, while the Tottori University Arid Land Research Center will be the Optional Venue for the WS&S in Tottori. For more information about the location of the venues, how to access them, and recommended accommodation, please see the Access & Accommodation page.



The 7th International Moon Village Workshop & Symposium will presents various issues for the growth of human society on the Moon, discussing on-going and planned Moon programs.

  • Lunar Programs and Missions
  • Lunar Architectural Concepts & Issues
  • Space Resources, Mining & Utilization
  • Habitation, Human Factors & Life Science
  • Lunar Commerce, including Moon Markets, Missions & Economics
  • Lunar Infrastructure and Operations, emphasizing Power
  • Lunar Science, including both Human Presence and/or Precursors
  • Legal Aspects & Societal Considerations
  • Cultural & Anthropological Considerations
  • Outreach/Education
  • Lunar Governance, International Policy and Collaboration




  • John Mankins    Vice President, Moon Village Association
  • Yoshifumi Inatani    MVA Board, Professor Emeritus, ISAS/JAXA


  • Nasr Al-Sahafi   Chair, International Moon Day, MVA, Saudi Arabia
  • Tirtha Pratim   Das Head of Science, ISRO, India (TBC)
  • Francois Dubrulle   CEO, Qosmosys Pte Ltd, France
  • Christian Feichtinger   Executive Secretary, IAF
  • Bernard Foing   Lunar Science Coordinator, MVA, France
  • Giancarlo Genta   Former Professor of Politecnico of Turin, Italy
  • Jessyka Nunes   Space Law, Faculty of Saint Vincent (UNIBR), Brazil
  • Dorin Prunariu   Member of the Romania Space Agency Board
  • Guoyu Wang   Deputy Director, CNSA Space Law Center, China
  • Ikkoh Funaki   Prof. ISAS/JAXA, Space Exploration Innovation Hub Center, JAXA
  • Eizo Nakamura   Prof. Okayama Univ
  • Masasi Miura   Prof. ISAS/JAXA
  • Masashi Sato   ispace
  • Atsushi Uchida   Mitsubishi Research Institute
  • Yosuke Yamashiki   Prof. Kyoto University