From a scenic Japanese village
to the Moon Village:

Enhancing our imagination toward sustainable human presence and a society on the Moon.



Event Timeline

Date Activities
December 6 Welcome cocktail (Kurashiki, 17:00-19:00)
December 7 Symposium and workshop (Kurashiki, 9:00-17:40)
Banquet in Ohara Museum of Art (Kurashiki, 18:00-20:00)
December 8 Symposium and workshop (Kurashiki, 9:00-17:30)
December 9 Outreach (Kurashiki, 10:00-13:00)
Outreach (Okayama, 9:00-17:00)
December 10 Special Symposium (Tottori, 9:00-14:50)
Outreach (Tottori, 16:30-18:30)
Firewall cocktail (Tottori, 17:30-19:00)

The 7th Moon Village Workshop & Symposium is supported by the following sponsors. We list the logos of the sponsors after the payment and administration process is completed for each sponsor.